Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Big News and Fun Mountain Time

As those of you who read this blog are pretty connected in our lives, you already know we are expecting baby number 2 in January! We are thrilled…and I’m exhausted and nauseous and craving tons of fruit and comfort food! It is so funny how different the second pregnancy has been…not so much in the way it feels as the way we’ve handled it. I took the pregnancy test on a whim and before I had time to check the readout Haley needed something and I was off. So there the test sat until several hours later when Chris spotted it and asked, “What is this positive pregnancy test?” Positive???? Oh my…here we go again. I will admit there was a bit of shock at first and then I had the briefest flash of, darn, and I just am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and fit into my skinny jeans! Of course that was followed by joy and happiness and excitement! It has all just happened so fast! It took us 8 months to get pregnant with Haley, I had already signed Chris and I up for infertility classes! I thought it would take about the same time with the second…little did I know. Two weeks after I stopped breastfeeding and right about the time of Haley’s 1st birthday, God decided it was time for us to grow our family. With Haley, the pregnancy and new baby was all we talked about. Now, there is a toddler into everything and we are just trying to keep up and certainly don’t have time to sit around dreaming about what life will be like when our second arrives. It is all wonderful and fantastic and tiring and we can’t wait for the chaos to come.

It has been a couple of weeks since my last post and, of course, we’ve had some great fun in the interim! 2 weekends ago, the Conway side of the family got together for a reunion. We only have these every 5 years or so and only every 10 years on dry land. The Conway’s tend to prefer someone picking up after them, making meals, entertaining the children, etc. so a cruise is normally the vacation of choice. This time, however, we all packed ourselves off to Shaver for a fun filled weekend. Everyone, except Lane and Curtis, was in attendance. I think that gave us a count of about 65 or so. There was tons of food, drink and conversation. We had a fantastic time!

Our dear family friends, The Days, lent us their mansion of a cabin for the weekend. Seriously, this place was amazing. We walked in and Chris said, “This is 10 times nicer than our actual house!”

Thank you thank you John and Janet!

This past weekend we headed back up the hill (a bit farther) to Huntington for the 4th of July weekend. As always, it was a trip packed with family, friends and fun. The Gardner/Lamberts were up for their annual camping extravaganza and we had a ball seeing Aunt Jeanie, Lisa, Tim, Taylor, Josh, Katie, Jason and little Mr. Noah!

Haley and Noah
We also got to see the Patricio clan and their adorable little ones! I am always in awe of Ashley and how well she pulls everything together. Here I was, not a stitch of makeup, in desperate need of a pedicure and having neglected to shave my legs. Ashley, on the other hand, was perfectly adorable! Oh well, I’ll blame it on pregnancy and a hectic work schedule. This trip, Chris decided to take up fishing and though we didn’t have a single bite the entire time, it was so much fun to relax on the beach and watch Haley with her Barbie fishing rod and my mom spear innocent night crawlers onto her rod!

The new master fisherman
My mom teaching Chris how to cast
Haley had several outfit changes during the few short hours we were fishing.  She seemed to enjoy getting very muddy and then falling into the lake!  We ended up walking her home in my shirt! 

What a fun celebration weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sooooooooo excited for baby #2! Can't wait to get all our little ones together and enjoy all the chaos that comes with multiple children running around! It was such a fun surprise to see you in Huntington! Your reference to me on your blog was completely silly, did you check out the stubble on my legs and did you not hear my girls during church !!! You are too kind:) XOXO
